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Worshipping Yahuah in spirit and truth!
We are a very unique non-denominational ministry focused on a literal understanding of the Prophetic Word of God from the Hebraic perspective chosen by God, taught by Yahusha (Jesus) and confirmed by His disciples.
See and understand Holy Scripture
as you never imagined possible.
The Proof of the Truth...
is Prophecy!
Breaking News in Prophecy!
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Current Video Series
About Our Videos
God began to speak in 2007 about Israel's prophecies and "This Final Generation" was born. With two of the five-part series completed, God said, "Wait." In 2013, He began speaking again. Amazingly, this new unrelated information in the Mazzaroth perfectly fit the two books which became a "manual" confirming what we were now seeing. The information was now so vast, writing books was impossible. So, videos seemed to be the solution. In 2017 we were recording "The Real Dragon" and God began speaking again... this resulted in a two-year break to understand how the literal prophecies in the Bible and the Hebrew Mazzaroth (Zodiac) were united in complete harmony. Below are the future presentations. They are ready to produce and will be released as soon as possible.
Future Presentations... Coming Soon!
Moses says, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses..." (Deut 30:19). The literal Bible prophecies do not stand alone! They are God's "Earthly" witnesses. They perfectly unite with God's "heavenly signs" in the Hebrew Mazzaroth providing God's second "Heavenly" witnesses to the truth. You can scroll through, and hover over these to see a brief description. They are in the order we will be producing them. While "Psalm 19," and "Resurrecting the Mazzaroth" are foundational teachings revealing and proving that Yahusha (Jesus) and the disciples all knew and taught these things... and are essential to understanding the Bible, Revelation, and "The End Times" in which we live... we had a greater sense of urgency in producing the others first because of what they reveal. So bear with us, we present and prove "the truth!" There is far more in Scripture than we ever knew... or even imagined possible!
Featured Blog Posts
"When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith...?" (Dan 7:13; Lk 18:8) "The testimony of Yahusha (Jesus) is the Spirit of Prophecy." (Rev 19:10). In faith... we testify of the coming truth! These are our "Featured Blog" posts. These posts are about the presentations which we have just released. While the videos are great for getting out the core essential information, it is impossible to cover everything we know about a subject in the videos. So, this is the place we can give you the "back-story" and expand on the things we were unable to include in the videos. Each of the eight video series are easily 400+ page books, but, there was no time to do this. We felt we had to get the core information out as quickly as possible. You... and your need to know was our first priority! Our blog is a great place for you to comment and ask questions as the time approaches. We truly look forward to meeting you there!
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