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Worshipping Yahuah in spirit and truth!
You are our ultimate purpose and the reason why we do what we do. We will always do our best to respond to you as quickly as we are able. Shalom and Blessings to all!
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We are a part of the body of Messiah and we would love to hear from you.
We are a ministry in every sense of the word. We are here to help and assist you in every way we are able in our journey in this life... leading to the next!
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Email: Info@The70th7.Com
Email: Michael@The70th7.Com
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Below you will find "links" to other on-line sites we recommend. While we may not agree with everything that we find on a given site, these are sites which we ourselves often use and generally find beneficial. Simply click the image or the web address and it will open on a new page. But don't forget to come back, we miss you already!
119 Ministries - This ministry is called to teaching believers in Scripture that the "Law of God" is eternal, just as Holy Scripture clearly states! We have generally found them to be very conservative in their approach to the "Word of God," and rarely do they look beyond this. There tag line is "Test Everything" (1 Thes 5:19-21) and we could not agree more! Their web address is: 119Ministries.com>
Logos Bible Software - Have we yet understood all the truths of Scripture? No! This is the Bible Software to learn what God really said in the original texts... and more! The search capabliities are spectacular! When God prophesied "knowledge would increase" (Dan 12:4), He saw "Logos!" Do not worry about cost! They have a free version to get you started!!! Their web address is: logos.com>
The Five Love Languages, By Dr. Gary Chapman - Above all else, our Creator designed us to love and placed in us the need to be loved. We know of no other teaching that has the potential to positively change every relationship you have. To learn how this relates to your most important relationship with God... Click: <Loving God. The web address for the book is: 5lovelanguages.com>
Stellarium Astronomy Software - Have all the "Signs" in Revelation been located? No! So get this and start looking and share what you find! This is the best free open source astrnomy software out there. We have tested this software against the best paid versions and found it to be equal. What you see in the $300 software... will be identical in Stellarium. Their web address is: stellarium.org>
We hope you find these links beneficial and useful.
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